The Highway


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C.J. Box as an author is famous for his epic timing and superiority in creating a crime scene like nobody else. The Highway is absolutely a marvelous extension to his legacy of great suspense and thrilling books with exceptional investigative mindsets of the lead character.

In this book, you will get mesmerized with the investigative officer character, Cody Hoyt, who gives life to a number of death scenes in the story.

The due credit must be given to Holter Graham who is the voice of the lead character and made this story quite pleasing and happening to the listener.

The story starts with the introduction of teenagers Gracie Sullivan and Danielle, who goes on to an undercover trip to Montana in order to visit one of their common friends.

They had little idea that this was the last time they were traveling to a place and would not be returning. In short, the car along with both the girls get vanished.

The Highway

Cody Hoyt, the investigative cop, after a long bit of sobriety loses his job and is in absolutely no position to uncover the truth. The friend to whom those girls were to visit was Justin, who was the son of Cody. Justin and one of the old partner of Cody convinced him to track down the missing girls and visit their last known location.

As Cody drove south to track the missing girls, he found that a number of such disappearances have occurred in the past in this very state. A serial killer was suspected to roam around the highway.

The Highway


The other books by C.J. box on the crime genre, which would definitely be worth your while are Open Season and Back of Beyond. Both these books appeal the audience with the exceptional story plot filled with lots of thrill and suspense.


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