The Killing Habit

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This is the fifteenth one in the series of Tom Throne but still has all the ingredients of becoming a popular detective story which has crime and mystery combined that could be found throughout the story with a good deal of powerful dialogues that are put in the mouth of the characters. Mark Billingham has surely succeeded in telling us a murder all the time in a different way that we cannot expect.

The story grabs our heart and soul right from the start. The story is of a serial killer who makes one thing clear that there would be a certain pattern used in the killing process and the motive is psychological, not personal. Another great thing about the story is that Mark Billingham has narrated it himself so that he can describe everything in a better way.

The Killing Habit

The story once again brings Nicola Tanner and Tom Throne on the same page when they start to hunt the causes of two different crimes, one investigates the deadly drug and the second chase the serial killer but as they move ahead in the cases a bit causally in the start as they show less interest in their jobs or the task assigned at the start soon find themselves something too much tough for each one of them to handle on their own both of them have to combine efforts once again for the solution of the problems that proved far more dangerous than it first appeared to them.

The story unfolds on later stage and thus the start is not one hope for with thrill and action it is a bit dizzy but once the story really starts it ignites the whole thing up. You may also listen to the Miss Kopp’s Midnight Confessions: Kopp Sisters, Book 3 – Amy Stewart   and Lonesome Paladin: A Fistful of Daggers, Book 1 – S M Reine if you have more time to enjoy.


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