The Last Woman Standing


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    Another historical fiction knit well by Thelma Adams and narrated excellently by Emily Foster is the right choice for the weekend if you have some association with history and fantasy combined. The story takes us to the days of the civil war and describes the post civil war era and its impact on the families who were living in the hard hit areas or near those regions that experienced the brutal fighting and killing of the local people on a massive scale.

    It’s a condition in which everyone is for his or her own self; it’s about survival and nothing else. Josephine Marcus who was a in her teenage; twenty years after the world war. She belonged to a Jewish background and moves west to marry Johnny Behan a lawman.

    The Last Woman Standing

    She moves to Arizona to join hands with Behan, a land that was known for the outlaws and divided loyalties among different groups. The day she comes to Arizona she realizes that Behan was not the right man for her as he was not reliable in any situation thus she bravely leaves his hand and show her association towards Wyatt Earp which makes the lawman their worst enemy and thus the historical battle starts.

    Josephine emerges as a woman who finds her true love among the outlaws and she prefers to live among them instead of coming back to the world where she used to live once. The gunfights are described in detail which makes one thing clear that the writer has made a detailed research of the historical events for the creation of the whole tale the use of the words are also quite forceful which depicts the intensity of the situations very well.     


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