The Plastic Magician

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The Plastic Magician is a beautiful new novel from The Paper Magician novel series. This one is a science fiction fantasy epic and this is something that regular and intense fictional lovers would absolutely love. The novel is written masterfully by Charlie N. Holmberg, who is an experienced writer and have many other successful novels to his credit. A couple of the most successful ones from the author are: The Will and the Wilds and Followed by Frost.

Alvie has just arrived in London in order to start with her ne training assignment in Polymaking, which is the magical discipline associated with the bespelling plastic. This is known as the latest and the most innovative form of magic and polymaking is also a field where there is so much there to learn. Every polymaker in the field of polymaking is looking to make a big discovery.

Even though Alvie is just an apprentice but she is a real innovator and inventor at heart, and she is fully focused to make as many discoveries as she could. She needed to do this in a very short span of time and she just couldn’t wait or delay long. Luckily for Alvie, she is working under the mentorship of the renowned magician of the world named Marion Praff. He is just as dedicated as what Alvie is.

The Plastic Magician

The enthusiasm of Alvie triggers her mentor even more for god work and together they managed to create a device, which could change polymaking forever.

The narration of The Plastic Magician is done by Sarah Zimmerman. She has been brilliant with her vocal performance and has presented this novel in an absolutely stunning way in its audiobook format.


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