The Testament-John Grisham

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The Testament is a mystery thriller with some amazing twists and turns. The novelist, John Grisham has done a fantastic job in pulling this sensational piece of entertainment for his audience. Frank Muller is brilliant with his expressive voice and stern tone in giving the narration of this novel. Overall, the writer-narrator combo is a fantastic one and makes a great deal for the fans of mystery thrillers.

Troy Phelan is a billionaire and that too, self-made. He is also one of the richest men in U.S. Moreover, he is also found to be reclusive, eccentric, wheelchair bound and looking for any possible way to end his life. His heirs are just circling around him like vultures, which wasn’t surprising at all.

The Testament-John Grisham

Then comes into the scene Nate O’Riley, who is top tier Washington litigator. He has lived a hard life at fast pace for a long time. His second marriage is not turning out to be too good. He is just coming out of his 4th stint in a rehab armed considerably more than his flimsy sobriety, robust sense of humor and good intentions. Getting back to the real world is difficult always, but this time he is making a return for a murder.

Rachel is a fine young woman who chose to dedicate her life in the love of god. And walked far away from the modern society and world. She decided to live and work in Brazil while staying with a tribe of Indians.

Sycamore Row and The Guardians are novels written by John Grisham as well. The author, John Grisham is an expert in mystery thrillers and has proved his worth once again by giving his audience a great literary treat through these novels.


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