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The Vanishing Half

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Brit Bennett in her way tells us the result of our decisions in life, it is not fate according to the author rather it is our decisions that make our life. Whether the result of our decision is good or bad it is revealed later on in life. For many listeners around the globe the novel is on the racial issues in appearance but it is not the case, racial issues could be one of the aspects of this novel. Among other aspects there are things like emotions, love, fear and a desire to improve life in one way or the other.

Vignes sisters were twin and thus they had identical faces but their fortune happens to be different from each other. In their teenage both of them tried to run away from their house so that they could improve their lives. The result of that runaway was not the same for both of these girls as after many years one of the sister has married to a white man and the other lives in the same old circumstances in her black family.

The Vanishing Half

Not only the sisters are separated by a distance of miles but now they are also separated by culture, status and race. In the voice of Shayna Small we listen to the inner feelings of these two sisters who look more concerned about the future generation now. The Mothers and The Vanishing Half also portray the inner thoughts and ideas of the author like this one. Brit always gives a complete picture in the novels and none of the aspects are left for the listener to conclude.


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