The Wizard

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The second in the wizard knight series by Gene Wolfe the knight come to know more about the world that is created on the seven folds and possess all the wonders one can imagine, we meet giants and dragons along with horrible forces that could be brought to subjection with the help of magical swords.

The Wizard

We meet gods of Skai and other creatures like the Aelf that keeps us excited about what next we could see in our journey to different realms. The story begins when the knight takes a boy from America with him on his trip to the wonderland where he wishes to fulfill his quest as well by getting the sword Eterne which is possessed by a dragon in reward of which he would get an entrance into the castle of Valfather a high reward for which he could risk his life again and again without any remorse.

In the second half of the story, Able emerges as a true knight that has only one sole purpose in life and that is to fulfill the commands of his king. He tries to bring all the seven worlds under the subjection of the king whether the creatures living is gods, giants or monsters they should obey the king without any ray of doubt in their mind. The story is written in lively words and is narrated by Dab Bittner in the same pattern that makes everything look quite colorful throughout the journey of the seven worlds.

We never feel boredom for a single split of a second rather we anticipate new things as the story moves on in different folds of the realms. More fantasy based novels that you may not miss out include Keelic and the Space Pirates: The Keelic Travers Chronicles, Book 1 – Alexander Edlund and  Mystic Caravan ~ Books 1-6 – Amanda M. Lee which you can enjoy when you want to get into the fantasy world again and again.


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