Typhoon Fury

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They were bankrupt in the previous episode but luck has been favoring them in different ways for a long time so the Oregon crew is back in action for more. This is their life and this is what they live for i.e action in the middle of a vast ocean. Plague, conspiracies, tragedies, and track downs nothing has been able to keep them down because the foot of the captain has always been on the accelerator.

All men and women present in the crew never say no to the order of their captain and this is one positive point that dominates the rest. There were times in The Silent Sea and Mirage when all hopes were gone but not even a single member of the crew rose a voice against the captain. It is their supreme leader who makes the right decision for everyone and has made them survive hell to this present day.

Typhoon Fury

The author’s Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison have given Juan not the personality of a dictator rather he is like a friend and a true leader who leads from the front. Leaving a man behind is not something that Juan believes and that has been his style to rule Oregon from day one.

Currently, Oregon goes on a mission related to some paintings, and then the mission leads to things of the World War. A drug that was designed or created to make super soldiers during the World War is again in use and sadly it is in the hands of the enemy. Scott Brick goes on with his mysterious voice in which he usually narrates such suspense situations. The book also reveals certain things about World War that ordinary people don’t know about.


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Shadow Tyrants


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_01
  • 03. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_02
  • 04. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_03
  • 05. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_04
  • 06. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_05
  • 07. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_06
  • 08. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_07
  • 09. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_08
  • 10. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_09
  • 11. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_10
  • 12. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_11
  • 13. Typhoon Fury Oregon Files 12_12

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