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There are many who know the fabulous creations of the author Minka Kent as they would have listened to The Stillwater Girls or The Memory Watcher. Anyhow if there is someone who has not listened to the wonderful creations of Minka in his life then this is the right book, to begin with. A family is in trouble once again because the past just strikes back at them when they were least prepared.

They weren’t expecting that to happen so they weren’t actually ready. Merrit loved Luca from the beginning and when they got married it was like a dream come true for both of them. They built a beautiful house together and wove a splendid life which they used to think of in the beginning.

The happily ever after ended when Luca’s first wife came to their doorstep one night. Lydia was abducted ten years ago and since then there was no trace of her ever found by the police. Now she is back and she tells a horrific tale about her abduction.


According to Lydia, she would have been killed if she had not escaped in time. Merritt feels a bit alarmed when Lydia does not go to the police rather she starts living with them. Slowly the secrets about Lydia start to appear and Merrit thinks that her carefully decorated life is in serious trouble. Suddenly Merrit’s husband also starts acting in a suspicious way and it seems that he too has many secrets to reveal. The doubt weakens the love between the couple and Merrit finally wants to know the truth at all costs even if it destroys her married life.


Killing the Killers

The Memory Watcher


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