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Wayward Son

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Rainbow Rowell ended the story of Simon Snow in the first part and there were no loose ends that were left still the author knit another one. Simon Snow did what he was predicted to do and he got his girlfriend and good friend back in the end. Surely the magician needed a leisure time but instead he and his friends get another mission that just rocks their life.

Wayward Son

Going to America was not basically a mission rather it was to spend some time in the open and try to be close to nature. Simon along with Penny and Baz set foot on the new land and adventure begins, they have been attracting disasters since the day they got together. In Carry On the three heroes were in their senses but here the winds of troubles drive their senses away. Rainbow has added more adventure in tale but one can say that the magic here is not that gloomy. First part had some ghostly impact on the audience.

Some romantic scenes and a lot of kissing make this second book also not advisable for the children. For the adults the wild tour is a fantasy they will want to live after the end of this book. Euan Morton gets the chance to deliver another tale from the world of magic and it was his narration that attracted most of the fans toward this series in first part. This second part of the series of course would not be the same if Euan had not narrated it just like he narrated the first tale with love and madness in the air.

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Carry On



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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 1
  • 03. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 2
  • 04. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 3
  • 05. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 4
  • 06. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 5
  • 07. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 6
  • 08. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 7
  • 09. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 8
  • 10. Mm - Ya - Simon Snow02 - Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell - 9

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