The Adventures of Angus the Mouse Audiobook

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The author Montice L. Harmon of this story has beautifully written the story of most of our lives in the light of all the challenges, the events and the feelings Angus the mouse faces in its life. Though there are many things around for all, some forces, some events, some relationships are more influential and expressive than other which are not so related to one’s life.

The author has described the life of the Angus mouse in a way that everyone would be able to learn how the mouse starts confronting the pressures from the social life, the relationship that are the most expressive in his whole life and how he starts balancing and knowing what is happening around him and the family that is there to support as well as give him new thoughts all the time.

In this story, you will be listening to the life situations and all the relations that Angus has to cope with and how he will be able to understand the meaning of the life, the meaning of the closest relations and the way to manage all the things in a more positive and rewarding manner.

The Adventures of Angus the Mouse Audiobook

The story is full of all the various common but not boring situations that most of us have to face and to get the most out of each and every situation to become a better person and know the true meaning of being together in the whole life.

Angus will be facing all his fears one by one, he will learn the lesson for his life and he will know how he can be the best one among other without having to compete for the negativities and the fears that surround him all the time.

Christopher Hernandez has narrated the story in the best way that captures the listeners to let them engage into the story and identify the messages that could help them in their life as well. You may also want to listen to other stories like that including the Othello Adapted in a Moroccan Style and The Adventures of Angus: The Remastered Edition.

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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. The Adventures Of Angus The Mouse (Unabridged) - 1
  • 03. The Adventures Of Angus The Mouse (Unabridged) - 2

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