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Rising Storm

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Fireheart searched hard for the clues about the truth and he finally found everything that he needed in the depth of the deadly forest. Villain has been revealed in front of everyone now and that’s why the clans decide to send Tigerclaw away forever. With the villain gone every cat can now rest physically and mentally but not Fireheart.

The warrior cat still has doubts in his mind about Tigerclaw. He thinks that Tigerclaw is waiting for the right time to attack once again and get what he wanted in the first place. This time the enemy would not be that much careless and he knows that it would be difficult for him to hide his identity this time.

There are threats in the form of bad omens too and someone is really plotting big which would be difficult for one cat to handle. Surely the storm is coming and the cat world will face hell in the days to come but one cat still holds the key to fight against everything. There is another serious issue i.e all the cats are not united under one flag and that would be the cause of their downfall.

Rising Storm

Eric Hunter after Into the Wild and Fire and Ice is adding more evil in the world of cats. The author is not just sticking to one villain rather he is creating more and more thus making the life of the noble cats tough. This aspect of the series makes MacLeod Andrews’ job tough too because he has to adjust his voice all the time according to the demand of the scenes and characters.


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