Infinity Chronicles, Book 4

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Laura thought that she knew everything about herself but still, there are certain secrets which she just cannot comprehend. Her powers are revealing slowly and there are surprises hidden in her body which she just cannot tell anyone. One thing is for sure that she is not an ordinary human and to her surprise now she is not an ordinary infinity either. She has the power to dominate, she has shown her talents in Infinity Chronicles, Book 1 and Infinity Chronicles, Book 2 but she never wished to be all of this. All she wanted was normal life in her high school, spending an enjoyable time with her friends all the time but life has reversed her dreams.

Infinity Chronicles, Book 4

One good news is thrown at Laura by Albany Walker here as she meets her mother or perhaps she was always there with her in the hidings. Her mother is still terrified by those evil powers which loam on their heads to soak them down. The mother and daughter this time plan of bringing their fear down once and for all. This time they plan to take down the enemy in his own game but first, they have to calculate what powers and potential he possesses. Laura has gained her full strength now and she thinks she can compete with any being which stands in her way now. Fatherly love is not there in the fight but the mother and daughter also know that they have to be careful because the man is one tricky customer. Heather Costa’s voice has done a miracle in narration at the end of this part, the voice just keeps us still till the last word.



Infinity Chronicles, Book 3

Daughter of the Forest


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