Child of a Mad God

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Child of a Mad God is the first book in The Coven Series. It’s a sci-Fi and Epic series that centers on the travails of a young orphan in the hands of vicious barbarians.   Author R.A Salvator , along with Tim Gerard, who narrated the book did an excellent job here.

The characters were represented well, and Tim Garrard made use of the right diction for each character as well.

The book, just like R.A Salvatore’s other books (  Homeland, and Boundless: A Drizzt Novel), begins with an exciting introduction. But the crux of the story starts from the second quarter of the book. From there, the suspense became intense.

Child of a Mad God

The story was set in an epic world where witchcraft and typical customs and traditions were the order of the day. The narrator has done a good job by creating a lot of characters around the story. Each character has their own story, but the Salvatore brings their different roles to entangle at a point.

The story is centered on Aoleyn, an orphaned girl who is determined to fight her way out of the ruthlessness of her tribe. She is part of the tribe but does not support their way of life. And most times, her stubbornness lead her to trouble. The storyline continues with a lot of brutal and harrowing incidents throughout until the end.

The book on its own was exceptionally written. But Time Gerald,s narration added more spice to the overall theme of the book. Like the first series, there are many things to look forward to in the second series. Surely, readers would want to find out how Aoleyn was able to use her powers to her advantage and change the world around her.



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