Cinders & Ashes, Book 4


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    This gay romance has everything which is there in the fantasy world. X. Aratare wanted to stuff this series with everything which the author had in his arsenal. Firstly it was Finn who needed Rohan’s help and then Finn got the throne of his father and the two lovers were separated by a wall which they want to break at any rate. Love is the primary goal of their life but they cannot sacrifice the blood of their people for the sake of their romance.

    Finn was ordered by his father that he should not visit the human world again but when Finn heard that Rohan was in trouble, he wasn’t able to stop himself. So Finn left the fae kingdom and went to the human world once again to save Rohan and his kingdom from the attack of the undead. Both lovers meet each other after a long time and this is the first time they finally admit that they are in love. So there is no departure after this acceptance of love from both characters.

    Cinders & Ashes, Book 4

    Prophesy is against their union and there are multiple enemies who are coming to destroy both worlds at the same time. Cinders & Ashes: Book 1 and Cinders & Ashes, Book 2 hinted towards the union of the two worlds and here it becomes compulsory. If the fae and the human world do not work together then the enemies will eradicate both of them from the face of the world permanently. Edward Fox is an awesome narrator and it is because of his voice that we are able to feel the intensity of the story.

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