The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower VII Audiobook

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The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower VII

This is the last novel of the series of seven novels included in this series of the Dark Tower so if you have read or heard throughout the series till now, following the Roland’s Ka-tet, it is time to rejoice and reassemble the chunks gathered from all previous chapter of the series. Definitely, Stephen King has to wind up the series so here he does so. Keeping in touch with all the ventures the author has covered in the previous 6 novels, he develops a smooth transition of the stories that are included in this series to carry on the journey and quest of the Dark tower using the height of imagination, fantasy, and horror.

This novel starts where the 6th one left. Jake and Callahan followed to save Susannah, whereas in the Dixie pig the story develops as Mia gives birth to Mordred the son of Roland and Susannah while The Crimson King is the father of that child.

The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower VII Audiobook


The story turns around and the death of Callahan, Eddie, Jake and the wounded Oy give the hint to the future horror as well. The story ends up with the Roland climbing the dark tower after killing Mordred, where all his memories are in the various room in there and it ends up with the horn he lost so seems a bit same as the first novel The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger ends up.

Like in the first novels including The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three and The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass the whole story keeps drifting the listener’s imagination with lively words and life turning situations that keep the interest high-up so that you would crave to hear the ending scenes to satiate your mind’s thirst and know how the series ends up.

The Dark Tower VII Audiobook :

List book in the series

  1. The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
  2. The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
  3. The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands
  4. The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
  5. Wolves of the Calla: Dark Tower V
  6. Song of Susannah: The Dark Tower VI
  7. The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower VII



The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass Audiobook


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