Discovery Audiobook

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The story is one that takes us among the stars and the intergalactic stuff. The story is unique as it comes to earth from space rather than moving to space from the earth. Eckta a native of the planet Veladon is thrown out of his home planet by a cruel ruler who punishes him because of he denied to accept the direct orders. He’s thrown in space in a pod that brings him to our moon which is not known to him as he has never visited this side of the universe and also he is unaware of any life form such as the human race. Abigail Murray detects her pod from the earth because his pod was sending signals which he himself does not know. Finally, Eckta is brought to the earth and makes direct contact with the human race which is as strange too as he is to them. His coming to earth proves that the life on other planets does exist. J.B. Taylor has nicely described each aspect of the space travel and has left no details unattended. The narration of the story by Austin Struckmeyer is also nice, and we as listeners can listen to that calm and soothing voice for hours without any feeling tiredness or laziness. The story also reveals the hidden powers of Ekta at the later stage which could prove quite valuable for the people of the earth. An important question that is raised in the story is that can the human race allow such a man to live among them or the people of the earth only want to know the hidden truths from him.

Discovery Audiobook

The author has given a mesmerizing and capturing story in this book so as he done in his other books that most of the story lovers would love to listen to and enjoy when they want to get into more adventurous and thrilling moments. The books you may also like to listen to can be Jon Archer: A Comedy, Necromancers which are some of the best by the author.


Discovery Audiobook


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  • 01. welcome
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