Dream Dark

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Ethan Wate during his search for a way of getting closer to his beloved found the passageways on the dark side of Gatlin. After meeting with Lena in Beautiful Creatures, Ethan realized that the town in which he was living since his childhood was not something that he thought it was.

Gatlin had a scary face too that was hidden under the moss and lush greenery of the trees. Link helped Ethan during his journey in the underground passageways and when they came out Link was bitten by something strange.

Dream Dark

The wound on the arm was not the kind that could be cured by a doctor because the supernatural creature not only bit Link’s arm rather it bit the soul too. Link soon started to become just like the beast that gave him the wound. Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl have added this short story in the series to add more mystery in the tale. Also the two authors wanted to make the fictional world deeply rooted in evil. For this purpose the authors invest some time on Gatlin to make the background of the story stronger.

Kevin T. Collins gets the aid of music in narration which increases the impact of the voice. In a nutshell it is a good little story before the third part i.e Beautiful Chaos which provides us a different side of the series. Short story is also a proof that there is more than one kind of evil present in the little town. Lena’s family was only cursed, the real curse giver lie beneath the surface of the town getting more and more powerful day after day.


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A Quantum Murder – The Greg Mandel Trilogy, Book 2

Beautiful Chaos


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