Encore in Death

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Susan Ericksen polished herself really well in the initial years of her career as a narrator and to this day she has emerged as a star for sure. We cannot say that the narrator has slipped in pitch at any portion of this story. The favorite creation of the author J.D. Robb is Eve Dallas i.e the master detective who has solved cases that looked impossible to solve. Here she comes to a party which is full of celebrities.

Eliza Lane and Brant Fitzhugh were the two top celebrities who invited everyone to this party and right at the beginning Brant fell dead after raising the toast. There was something in his drink and after investigation, it was clear that there was cyanide in that drink. Eve Dallas was called who didn’t want to enter the circle of Hollywood stars but she had no other option.

Encore in Death

When Eve investigated the character of the one who has been killed, she soon realized that the man had no enemies and the drink was not for him at all. The drink was for Eliza who had recently fired an assistant and also there was a fan who was obsessed with her charm.

So it could be anyone and Eve has to get to that person before he tries once again. After the success of Immortal in Death and then Naked in Death, the production of such a quality material was quite obvious. No one can deny the quality of this series which has Eve Dallas as the main character. J.D. Robb has made a lot of effort to draw the situation of every episode in the most perfect manner.


Foul Lady Fortune

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    3 thoughts on “Encore in Death”

    1. This is listed as Encore in Death, but it’s the book right before Encore, Desperation in death. Too bad bc I was so excited. I’ve tried telegram before and I can’t work it right. Don’t understand it. But none the less I thank you thank you thank you for having some amazing books and making them available.


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