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God: Monster Slayer

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From an ordinary monster slayer to a god has been quick progress for Sam Ryder who actually got nothing in the real world all his life. And then he is a god among the goddesses and alien women which has been a fun ride for him in all the five levels. Every lady in the series has been under his command in every way a man could imagine and this thing now hinders his way to end the battle forever.

Ending the battle and the game is like ending the fantasy forever and the next moment he would be the fat middle class good for nothing. Threat is mind blowing but it is still one heart away as Sam has found only two hearts and third heart is yet to be found. Another battle bigger than those witnessed in Demigod: Monster Slayer and Protector: Monster Slayer, the whole of the underworld has emerged to fight. But this time they underworld is not fighting a warrior they are fighting a god and his allies that surround him from all the sides.

God: Monster Slayer

The story is moving on and one thing is predictable that the newly emerged god will kick the ass of the underworld and after that would retrieve the third heart. Thing that is not predictable yet is the fate of Sam Ryder after the possession of third heart, would he be allowed to live in the fantasy world or he would be forced out of it like he was forced to enter. Soren Gray puts more authority in his voice during narration as the stature of the hero has risen finally to a level where he can show some authority.


Demigod: Monster Slayer

Lord of Ends


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