Hidden Among the Stars

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War era left many battered by the storms of persecution but there were some cunning enough to save their family fortune from the Nazis. Among those clever ones was Max who tried to help his friend to save the family treasure from the enemy. Max had a big mansion with underground tunnels that could lead his friends away from the enemy within no time. A trusted friend in the form of Annika was also there with him who was in love with him right from childhood.

Annika the sort of girl who was not worried for her life even wanted nothing from the property or treasure. She even never wanted an escape from the Nazis all she wanted was Max. Things go a little upside down when a new woman enters the castle and the hints are clear that Max loves her more than Annika. Ironically this trusted girl changes side in order to take revenge from the love of his life that was at present sitting in the company of Luzia Weiss.

Hidden Among the Stars

Nazis did invade the castle but nothing was found because Luzia ran away with the treasure just in time, the fate of the rest was however not very pleasant. Melanie Dobson plays her old trick once again that made her famous in Catching the Wind and Chateau of Secrets: A Novel thus we come eight years ahead in future with a new girl digging deep into Annika’s life. Callie Randall related to the world of books discovers this extraordinary thing about this women at the war time and several secrets appear to her as shockers. None other than Nancy Peterson can narrate Melanie’s works to perfection and the narrator has spread her magic here as well.


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