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Even on the tenth part of the sizzling series Sheldon Siegel does not seal the deal and the series continues like a never ending one. The main show takes place in the courtroom but the story takes us to different cities and different places the crime originally took place. In the current part Jeff King the so called celebrity of the Silicon Valley dies all of a sudden on the Christmas Eve.

The most cherished night of the year does not prove lucky for the man who was trying to date a young girl through a famous site. The girl gave Jeff an injection of heroine and that became the cause of his death.

It was not intentional by the girl the drug proved to be a little high in potency that’s all. Otherwise all the couple wanted was some fun on the most festive eve of the year. As the man dies several investigations are made and the well portrayed high profiled Jeff King was actually a heroin addict.

Hot Shot

Moreover he was a sex lover and a regular customer of the strip club. Lexy the one who gave Jeff the injection was still claiming that the man gave her the heroin and they always used it during the sex intercourse. The over dosage was a mere accident that’s all, she wants a way out and the famous couple Mike and Rosie are hired once again. Far more complicated than Perfect Alibi and Judgment Day . Unchanged and unaltered in quality and pace the voice of Tim Campbell is ruling all over the world in the narration of this series.


Serve and Protect

The Dreamer


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