Killer of Kings

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Almost lost in the battlefield in the trilogy Beobrand once again gets hold of the things as the hero emerges once again with more power than he ever had. The enemies have run away and it seems that it is time to relax but Beobrand knows that he cannot rest though he has everything one can dream of.

The hold over the land and the power of wealth is all meaningless unless and until he destroys all of his enemies because sooner or later they will rise against him. Thus before they settle themselves to rise once again against him as an unstoppable force he should crush them in their den. Now he knows that it was his casual attitude towards the enemy that caused him heavily in Blood and Blade, he has always shown mercy but not this time.

Killer of Kings

Before he launches his final campaign against his enemies he is stopped once again not by an enemy but by the king for whom he can lay down his life even. King Ostwald orders him to move south this time on some royal mission. Simple mission again turns into a war as one event becomes the cause of another, the life of Beobrand and his men are at stake because they never expected circumstances to change at such a pace.

Running away could prove as a suitable option but this is something which the lord of wars Beobrand does not like. The war also brings to light the secrets that have been kept hidden from him since long and it is clear that he had been misled. Matthew Harffy in the voice of Barnaby Edwards lays a strong base for the finale that seems quite near now.


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Blood and Blade

Warrior of Woden


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