New World

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Nathan Hystad mixes some elements from his previous works in the series now, Proxima Centauri for example is a name the old fans have heard a lot before. Dean goes to the colony that was built long ago and after a very long time he meets fellows like Magnus, Carey and Mary.

All of his efforts have only one purpose i.e to live a simple or normal life with his friends and among his family. Dreams once again get shattered when the threat approaches to the family once again and Dean has to leave all that he loves for the loved ones. Dean’s sister gets into trouble this time and in order to save her he goes to Terran Five, a place that he usually not likes visiting. After landing Dean feels suspicious about the place and starts digging deep into the snow.

New World

A secret of great magnitude soon appears on the scene but he at this point loses all connection with the crew. Thus an outnumbered squad prepares it to confront the Bhlat, they have done impossible things in The Event and New Threat but this time the enemy is much more powerful. Proper planning is needed and here both worlds are in trouble so one little mistake can make Dean and his team lose everything they have worked for in the past.

Fights and discovery of the secrets are all awesomely narrated by Luke Daniels who has been with the series from the first word. Luke’s voice actually mingles well with such scenarios and that’s why his voice always gets the highest ratings from the fans all the time.


New Threat

The Ancients


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