Promise Me, Dad

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Heart touching story of Joe Biden’s life can bring a tear in any person’s life that has gone through any family issue. Joe for the narration of this book has selected no one else as he wanted to tell the people about his feelings over the years. It is about the era when he was the Vice President of the country which made him the busiest man in the world. The United States was having troubles with different countries of the world like Afghanistan and Iraq.

Whenever the government needed to send a person for some negotiations or discussions it was Biden that came to everybody’s mind. Those days were the toughest for Biden because his son was dying of a brain tumor and whenever he had the call from his doctors he was mentally ready to hear the sad news. The sad news did come in the end but the great man remembered the promise which he made with his son i.e fulfill your duties.

Promise Me, Dad

No matter how much Biden tried to restrain himself from the next presidential elections he just couldn’t say no to the promise which he made. The great man took the next step and started the life of serving people once again. Promises to Keep and Conversations with Joe were motivational books but neither of those books had so much autobiographical material.

The author just brings his heart out in this book which is both motivational and emotional for the fans. Such optimism is rare in this world of chaos where pessimism rules supreme all over. The author is not only a ray of hope for others but also an example to follow.


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    2 thoughts on “Promise Me, Dad”

    1. I love this audiobook. Joe Biden is not only my favorite President Of The United States, but he has also been a role model to me as well. He has done so many things for me while he was Senator of Delaware; he helped organize a trip to Washington, D.C. when I was ten years old. He is an example of a true leader, and having him in The White House now Is a breath of fresh air from the last 4 years! I like hearing him read; I feel as if he’s right there with me and he came out of The White House to visit with me. My parents got me this in Christmas of 2020, one month before he became President. This is an emotional, yet insightful look into this man’s life not only when he was Obama’s Vice President, but persevering through his son Beau’s battle with brain cancer. This man has been through so much in his life, and he has now kept Beau’s promise and has become our President. You get an inside look into him away from the crazy reporters and TV cameras through this story. If you want to know the true character of this man, get this book and Promises To Keep. You will get to know him more as a person, and you will see why he is helping our nation to build back better than ever before, and why I cite him as a role model.I highly recommend this book to everybody!


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