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Sacred Stone

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Juan Cabrillo holds the command of the state of the art spy ship i.e Oregon and his job surely is not easy. He and his crew continuously work on the given assignments and their assignments are surely not easy ones. It was this crew that went in search of the Buddha in Golden Buddha and also solved the issue related to Tibet to some extent. Till now their voyage has been great and they have not perished in front of their enemy ever.

According to scientists about fifty thousand years ago a meteor feels on the surface of the earth and according to the legend that stone that fell from the sky was radioactive. People of that time used to call it the Sacred Stone and now the people of today are planning to use it as a weapon. The mass of the stone is ample to destroy the whole world within seconds and whoever gets to it first will get the upper hand in war forever.

Sacred Stone

It is up to Juan to find the stone before others so that he can retain it with him and the peace of the world is not disturbed. Clive Cussler and Craig Dirgo restricted the previous story to a fixed geographical area but here the two authors launch a competition among all the countries of the world. Among all those powers who want the stone, two groups have gone mad for it.

One group is of Muslim extremists who want to use nuclear power against the rest of the world and the other group is anti-Muslim that wants to wipe out the Muslims. J. Charles narrates a troubled Juan who wants to stop both of these groups otherwise the world will turn into dust soon. Golden Buddha and Dark Watch are also about other missions of the squad which are scintillating but this part has become more famous because it talks about the war on the issue of religion. People from both sides of the world wanted to see how the book concludes and the end is superb.


Golden Buddha

Dark Watch


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