Sometimes I Cry in the Shower Audiobook

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Sometimes I Cry in the Shower

R. Glenn Kelly writes and narrates the tale of a man who plans everything for his future but when he starts to implement the whole thing he loses the most essential portion of his life around which the whole plan of a relaxed life revolved. Now the question arises what should be done with life in such a state when fate disturbs all your plans with just a single blow of misfortune and you are left with nothing at all except a sad and dejected life.

Sometimes I Cry in the Shower Audiobook
The story also highlights the nature of a man in society who hides his loss and grief just because he wants to help and soothe his partner and mostly people think that perhaps men usually get over it more quickly than women but this is not the case they hide it and fight with it in their lonely condition so that they can organize life once again with what is left for them in their life and they also try to plan the future once again though they do not want to after the loss of a child, especially who for them is a symbol of hope, life, and a bright future. Thus the book not only tells us the different grief levels of the two sexes but also the human nature to plan for life when they just want to get rid of it because of the ill fate that befalls on them all of a sudden. Humans heal one another and themselves also that is what keeps them alive and they keep on moving ahead in life rather than keep on mourning on the deaths of the near and dear ones all the time.
The author has written some other stories describing how people would bear their grief, how they cope with the most painful aspects and events of their lives when they totally lose hope and have nothing to rely on. People who listened to this book also have listened to The Griefcase which is another book from the same author.

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