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Firstly the author took us on a tour to Texas and no we come close to the Tennessee River for another episode of lawlessness. The stories in Cormac McCarthy’s novels are all incidents that are attached to the history of America in one way or the other. Although the stories are not true but the incidents and the events along with the circumstances are all true. Cornelius Suttree another one with a desperate passion to win his goals leaves his family because the society around was not providing any opportunity to him.

In state of mental restlessness he like many other youngsters of the era becomes a vagabond and starts moving here and there with hopes intact. But the more he travels the lesser he gets and the hopes are shattered, not all of them but enough to ruin the life.


Toward the middle Suttree is found fishing in the water in which people usually through the rubbish. He lives among the beggars and other drunken people and does not want to mix with his family and has no intention in making a new family with any woman.

The Road and Blood Meridian have lawlessness but this story is strange and the character in it is unique. Not unreal though because such characters are there in our real life and this is why Richard Poe does not narrate it like fiction. The novel is the corrosive reality of life that people usually ignore to write and read about. McCarthy always comes up with something new but it is for understanding of the general public and not for enjoyment on the weekend.


No Country for Old Men

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