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Sword of Justice

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We saw many issues mixing up in the previous part and the story continues on the same line in this fourth part of the series. However this time things appear to be more corrosive as compared to any other part by Christian Cameron. There is more politics in the series something we never witnessed in the early books by the author like Poseidon’s Spear and Marathon. The novel not only makes us travel in Europe but we visit the Holy Roman Empire as well where each and every soldier is ready for a fight that is approaching very soon. William Gold however not one of them just wants a way out of all the mess that perhaps he himself has created.

Sword of Justice

Along with him is the Green Count whom he should protect at any rate, but it is not an easy task because the assassins of first rank are on his back. But both of them must reach Europe and take hold of the strongest fortress there before it is too late. The men are left with hope alone that can take them to the right place otherwise they cannot trust the men around them and the circumstances are also appearing to be more and more tense all the time. Peter Noble has shown quite a commitment with the novel and no doubt he has always been a committed narrator who gets the job done but this one is done with an extra care.

We can even recognize each of the characters with their voices and the accent that they use. Thus the narration helps us a lot to differentiate between the Europeans and the people of the Roman Empire.


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