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The Almost Sisters

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Joshilyn Jackson has an amazing way of starting the novel, the writer always starts something with the ordinary details and no sentiments or sensation is shown at the start. After the introduction suddenly the characters in the story face twists and turns making the story totally something different from what we expect at the start of the book.

Another think about writer’s work is that she narrates the whole thing by herself most of the times we can see that in Never Have I Ever as well. This gives the writer more space in depicting the ideas. It all starts when Leia Birch the superhero fan from the South loses herself one night and now she has become pregnant.

The Almost Sisters

She wants to break the news of her single motherhood and the biracial origin of her child but there are more things going one in her house. Her sister is marrying all of a sudden and her grandmother has lost her mind with no fragment of memory left.

Unluckily even after tackling everything around her she still cannot break the news of her pregnancy because more threats come her way. Her grandmother was not hiding ordinary secrets all her life she had things locked up in her mind that could prove a disaster for the whole family.

Her origin, her freedom and the reality about her sister and father, everything seems to be on the line for the woman and she forgets all about her pregnant state. It is the collapse of worlds for the thirty eight years old who was thinking of finally settling in life after all these years of wandering.

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