The Sinners

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Quinn Colson faced a lot after his joining and then rejoining the post of the sheriff in his own town. An ex-ranger from Afghanistan thought of himself as a superman when he landed on the native ground but the town has proved like a kryptonite. In Afghanistan there were raw fights but here the sheriff has to face scandals, politics and false voting against him.

The state is not in state of war but the conditions have been tougher as compared to the war zone. The Forsaken and The Redeemers made Quinn toil a lot for his job and things that she thought are right. Quinn tried to get rid of the drug lords once but in Mississippi there are powerful and rich families who are in the business of drugs. These families work in a chain and have their connections with almost all the influential people of the town so you cannot just arrest him without any evidence.

The Sinners

Once Quinn’s uncle made the mistake of arresting one of these men and the result was a bullet in his head. However the prisoner was never allowed to escape and he was punished by the court, the imprisonment was not for life and now he is back on the road. The old gang is looking for revenge and Quinn is the only one linked to that family present in the town.

Looking for a new deputy the sheriff has more than one thing to handle this time as clouds of destruction start to become darker. Ace Atkins method of writing never breaks the heart of the fans that expect too much from the author after so many hits. Macleod Andrews completes trilogy in narration and the fans now demand for his voice in the other parts to come.


The Fallen-Quinn Colson

The Shameless


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