The Fallen-Quinn Colson

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Crime used to tease Quinn in the past but it is not the case now, it does not mean that he lets the criminals run free rather he takes it professionally. Personal issues and ideas are not put into practice and the sheriff is mature in his field. Seventh part of the series by Ace Atkins is about robbers, these are the type of criminals that Quinn actually likes or appreciates.

The skill and talent that the robbers show in order to reach the target impresses the sheriff a lot. He even compares them with the heroes of war who used to attack the enemy’s locations without getting caught. Specific band of robbers that is on the loose this time robs too many banks and Quinn plans to end it quick before the money from the banks disappear forever.

The Fallen-Quinn Colson

Techniques of the robbers are analyzed carefully and Quinn gets stunned to notice that the robbers were actually using the Rangers’ techniques this time. There is an assumption that the robbers too are old Rangers from the war who are using their training for a negative purpose now. Instead of the department Quinn calls for his old fellows to deal with the matter.

Quinn’s team has been there all the time in The Forsaken and The Redeemers here once again he shows more faith in the old veterans than the police department. Looks like narrator’s position has become permanent for Macleod Andrews now, this is the straight second part he narrates for the series. The series has been lucky in terms of narrators because the previous narrators were also not bad.


The Innocents

The Sinners


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