The Vanishing Game

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There is no rest for those who are trying to help others in serious situations, even a ride in the amusement park cannot be enjoyed fully by Frank and Joe. Their town Bayport is not among the big towns of the country which of course means one thing i.e the recreational facility is poor. Such a situation seldom provides the people a leisure time in the open, so when the G-Force gets a launching it is like a lifetime opportunity for all of Bayport. Frank and Joe too quickly find their connection to get the tickets for the ride.

The Vanishing Game

Daisy the owner’s daughter provides them the opportunity to enjoy the ride in the first go. The start of the ride proved to be more than what was expected of it and then the rest of the tour was like a dream come true for all who were on board. No problem was faced on the first trip but when everyone landed safely they come to know about the disappearance of a girl among them. The girl who disappeared never made it to the end which was odd for the rest of the travelers because there was no possibility of her abduction or vanishing in mid-air.

The Vanishing Game

Tim Gregory uses a low tone except for the scenes when the people were on the G-Force. The reason for the low tone is that Franklin W. Dixon has brought mystery in the trilogy. The secret of the Red Arrow and Mystery of the Phantom Heist were different as compared to this one. In those two the Hardy boys were just trying to catch the criminals but here they have to find the girl too and also the mean that was used to make her disappear.


Mystery of the Phantom Heist

The Teeth of the Tiger


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