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Throne of Jade

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The sequel to the first part of the Temeraire series brings more knowledge related to the dragon world as Captain Will Laurence gains more and more skill in the art of flying dragon. The British army was being pounded by the French in the war but one dragon changed the whole landscape. This part tells us more about Temeraire which was supposed to be a gift for Napoleon and now the British are suing it against his armies.

Throne of Jade

The Chinese too enter this war saga as they are committed to bring the beast back from the enemy domain. The Chinese come in peace in their first attempt to reclaim the dragon but as Will Laurence reject everything they offer they are left with no choice. Britain on the verge of war with China as well finally starts thinking of returning the dragon but Laurence has other plans.

Laurence flies back to the East with his dragon in order to take him back to his original home. However he never expected what he would find out in the Far East. The discovery that the dragon and Laurence make really puts everything they know at stake. A defining moment for the heroes of war is the thing that the novel brings to us this time.

Throne of Jade

The stakes are high and it seems that we would soon see the end of the war but the end does not seem to be an ideal one for both of the sides. Luckily we once again find Simon Vance’s voice in the narration that has surely shown his class this time. The anger and wrath of the foes is painted to perfection. However this is one of those series that cannot be understood by reading just one part.

The true story is revealed if we read this part along with Book 1: His Majesty’s Dragon and Book 3: Black Powder War. As the trilogy loses its charm if read as a single novel.


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His Majesty’s Dragon

Black Powder War


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