Thud!- Discworld,Book 34

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Bringing peace to the land and then keeping it that way is the basic duty of Commander Sam Vimes. Bringing peace is easy than keeping it because peace can be brought by the help of war but then the social unrest can cause a headache in a warrior’s head. This is the sort of unrest against which he cannot launch a war, such a trouble approaches Vimes in the form of a dwarf who puts his nose in every affair and makes the life of everyone around miserable. City of Ankh-Morpork possesses a hellhole which they have names as Koom.

Thud!- Discworld,Book 34

According to the ancient books and history items it tells about a war that was fought between the dwarfs and the trolls long ago. No one now remembers about the cause of that war and even the winner’s name is forgotten but both races still have the grudge in them. This grudge is ignited when a dwarf is found in a terrible state and all evidence lead to a troll.

Vimes knows that someone has planted this incident and the objective of the enemy is bigger than it looks but for this he has to reach to the root cause of the matter. Forget The Wee Free Men and Monstrous Regiment because  this twisty tale will not only engage you rather it will also make a special spot in your mind. More effort by Stephen Briggs was needed for the narration but the usual thing has also done alright for the story. Not a huge war at the end but still the book keeps the threat of the war open.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 01
  • 03. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 02
  • 04. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 03
  • 05. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 04
  • 06. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 05
  • 07. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 06
  • 08. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 07
  • 09. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 08
  • 10. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 09
  • 11. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 10
  • 12. Discworld 34 - Thud! - 11

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