Towers of Heaven

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This time we are taken to the year 2083 by Cameron Milan. The book starts with an amazing description of the six towers that emerge on the face of the earth all of a sudden. More threatening thing is that the towers prove to be invincible as they are not affected by any sort of attacks from the armies all over the world. The towers are hundreds of feet in height and no one can sneak inside as to know about their creation and purpose.

The towers have mysteries portals at their opening in the base that provides magical powers and remains open for all who want to enter and get superhuman strength. Still, the tower is not something that you want to have in your neighborhood as it emits demons that bring havoc on the earth.

Towers of Heaven

The monsters bring so much disaster on the earth that the whole human race is slaughtered and only a hundred remain. These last veterans unleash their last attack and finally bring down one of the towers that also resulted in the death of ninety-nine and leaving one sole survivor.

The last survivor is allotted a wish and what he wishes for is his return back in time before the towers emerged on the face of the earth. The story thus goes back to its origin making the plot ever more complex. The situation of this sole survivor becomes a bit ironical as he tries to convince those who once fought side by side with him on a common goal.

The all-time favorite Steve Campbell narrates this wonderful new series full of monsters and tales of inner greed. The monsters in the novel resemble a bit with Zombie Slayer!!: A LitRPG Apocalypse and Desire: A LitRPG Adventure (Volume 1) but the stories are not a carbon copy of one another they are different in every respect.


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    1 thought on “Towers of Heaven”

    1. It’s a great story I enjoyed, have no idea how to go about finding the rest of the chapters and it dose not let me make a account


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