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Audiobooks For You!

Vanderbilt : The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty

Writing about the rise and fall of the American dynasty was the aim of Anderson Cooper so he took the help of Katherine Howe in this regard. Together the two authors have created this masterpiece which has American history attached to it as well. Anderson Cooper has narrated the book on his own too because he wanted to get the job done without taking any more help. Also no one could have narrated it better than the man who knows the whole thing from the core of his heart.

Story begins when Cornelius starts working in the small boat of his father. The boy was quite determined and ambitious from day one and unlike his father, he had a love for money as well. Quite quickly, Cornelius made a name for himself in the shipping business then he shifted his attention to the railroads and go equal fame and money. After him, his son and grandson increased a lot in the family wealth and the family became the richest in America.


The property that the family owned was spread all over America and it was done within a span of two generations. Author Anderson Cooper is actually the fifth generation of the same family and that’s why he thought of writing a book on the way, the family excelled in the business world.

The greatness of the family is incomparable and surely it has a great part in the history of America. Narrating The Rainbow Comes and Goes and Dispatches from the Edge provided a lot of experience to Anderson Cooper thus he didn’t hesitate at all in narrating this one.

Vanderbilt Vanderbilt


Going There

The Rainbow Comes and Goes


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