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Sharkman Audiobook

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Accident, tragedy, and genetic mutation the story has all the elements combined and everything is nicely linked together in order to make a single piece. Kwan Wilson did something terrible that changed his life forever. Just a single glance of his phone made him lose his mother forever and more tragically he was not able to play basketball anymore as he lost his legs too in that deadly accident that took life away from him.

His father sends him to his grandmother in South Florida just to change the environment so that he can think about his future life with a piece of mind but from here the real action begins when he is told that in Miami tests are being made on rats with shark stem cells in order to cure spinal problems and cancer. It was a ray of hope for Kwan but the thing that attracted him more than his desire to walk was the presence of Anya Patel the beautiful girl who was an intern in the lab.Sharkman Audiobook

Kwan wanted to be with her and just for that desire, he becomes an intern in the lab. Kwan becomes so desperate in the process that he injects himself with the shark stem cells even when he is told that it could alter his DNA forever after curing him.Kwan makes himself the human subject even when he knows the penalty surely makes us think that what he wanted to achieve, it was not the love of science for sure he wanted to open new opportunities for the people like him.

He wanted to help others even when he himself was helpless. The story has something more than just a simple genetic mutation in the lab. It has emotions, love, passion, and sacrifice. The narration is done by Andrew Eiden the start is a bit slow but it’s alright as the real story starts a bit further. Other books written by the author include interesting novels like Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror with Meg: Origins and The Trench which are also popular among the novel lovers.

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