Angles of Attack

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The author, Marko Kloos is back with a bang with another super interesting novel from the Frontlines saga. It is the 3rd book of the series and a very interesting one. The contemporary science fiction fantasy genre of this novel gets to a new level with some amazing imagination of the author. The narration of this novel is given by Luke Daniels and by all means, it was a great attempt by the narrator.

Lankies, the alien forces have started to gather over the edge of the solar system, while consolidating their search of Mars and having their sights on Earth. New Svalbard, the far off colony gets cut off from the other part of the galaxy through the Lanky blockade. Things were getting difficult and out of control.

Angles of Attack

Teeters were struggling and right on the verge of great collapse and starvation. The armed forces of the 2 Earth alliances have gone to win smaller skirmishes, but on the other end are in extreme danger of getting on the losing end in the war. For the armed forces of the North American Commonwealth and Andrew Grayson, the attempt for survival is getting in to calamitous new phase.

The North American Commonwealth launches a hybrid project over a long shot. The idea is of a stealth mission in order to breach the Lanky blockade. The agenda of the mission was also to reestablish the disconnected supply lines back with the Earth.

Lines of Departure and Terms of Enlistment novels of Marko Kloos are widely read and makes a great deal for all the book lovers. You will love them even more in their audio book format. Do give it a try.



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