Bring the Pain

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Icheal Anderle’s series of James Brownstone is surely one of the best fictional stories told. It has everything which an action series could offer. There are sentiments along with the passion of love and also there is hate in plenty that could never be eradicated unless the one who is the cause of hate is eradicated permanently from the face of the earth.

James family especially his grandfather who hates him the most because he has damaged their traditions and is a continuous threat to their primitive way of life. Because of all this his family and the clan hires trained assassins for the killing and despite the fact the James is well informed of the situation he is willing to return to Japan and does not want Shay to come along who wants to help him in her own way as she too belongs to the same region of the world and knows a thing or two about the assassins who are hired.

Bring the Pain

James in this fourth book in the series still is determined to keep his end up in the game. This time he is ready for the battle as he has become tired of running away or hiding from the bitter realities of life. Kate Rudd has narrated the story so well that it really brings the old pain in grief in a person in front of our eyes.

We observe the hate among the family members that force them to suck the blood of one another, James grandfather in form of James actually wants to kill his future generation just because it has failed to keep up with the traditions that are something more important to him than love and relations.   In the same way, peopel also have liked the Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1) – Leigh Bardugo and  Betwixters: Once Upon a Time – Laura C. Cantu offering better stories to make your time even more interesting.

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