Master’s Choice Volume 1

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Many people think that when you are listening to the various horror books you may feel bored or you may need a little twist when you have to make sure that you will be spending some good time at home. This Master’s choice is one such unique set of stories that have created a wonderful set of life events that people could listen to in one book.

As the name or the title of the storybook reflects this is a collection of all the best possible stories written by the masters in the genre of horror writing, thrillers and mystery filled stories that are irresistible for anyone who starts listening to them.

Master's Choice Volume 1

The basic reason of creating such a book was the inspiration that leads to when the Mystery Writers of America Lawrence block was asked to show their own liking regarding the stories available in Mystery section and the block decided to compile the most unique and inspiring collection in the form of this compelling book.

In this book, you will get a sure chance to listen to the amazing ‘The Crime of Miss Oyster Brown” by Peter Lovesey, Too Many Crooks by Donald Westlake, Stephen King’s  story “The Wedding Gig”, the inspiring Murder-Two” by Joyce Carol Oates. In addition to that, you will also hear The Crime of Miss Oyster Brown, The Blue Hotel, Goodbye, Pops and High Stakes, August Heat, Certain to delight with all the zest that keep people wanting for more mystery pioneer stories.

This is surely a great collection for those who want to listen to the art of mysterious stories of all times. Many of such stories can be found separately as well as you may want to listen to the work done by each of these writers and you may love to listen to The Stand, blood and smoke and many more.


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