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Monster (Gone #7)

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Another part of the Gone series no doubt once again has attracted the people because of the unique nature of the story in which the adults were no more to be seen all over the earth and only teen where there who too were losing control over their human body and thus were losing humanity as well which is visible by the bullying scene and all the battles that are fought between the groups here in the continuation of the tale Michael Grant write yet another masterpiece in which the fight is taken to the next level when the teen who is left alone and unguided because of the terrible accident are developing superhuman strength and special powers because of which they turn into heroes or monsters and thus again grouping is there as it was in the start of the series.

Monster (Gone #7)

The formation of the groups of monsters and heroes makes the fight more epic and also it keeps the reader waiting for the final duel between the two groups. The description of the alien virus and its impact on the human body makes it attached to mutation as well as it is because of this mutation the human race was changing. There also remains the question that why the virus affects different people differently, is it because of the fact that it brings out the true inner nature of a person.

The events of FAYZ are of no match to the current scenario that would result only in catastrophe and nothing else. Amanda Dolan has done a superb job in the narration department by narrating the battle scene with the same intensity that was needed.  

More from the series include Gone (Gone #1) – Michael Grant which is also a good read in your spare time.

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Gone (Gone #1)

The Dust of Wonderland


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