The Aeronaut’s Windlass

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The book 1 in the Cinder Spires series by Jim Butcher is a must have item for those who love books with magic and action combined. The selection of Euan Morton for the narration job has added an extra spice to the whole thing.

The book starts with the description of the Spires who are always there to protect the mankind in the time of war and even in the time of peace they render useful services for humanity thus they prove their worth in every walk of life. Their rule has continued from one generation to the other and has remained unshaken to the present day. Captain Grimn the captain of a ship named Predator is a big ally of the Spires and his loyalty is unquestionable.

Grimn loses his ship in a cruel war and is left with nothing when he gets a proposal that his ship will regain its full glory if he accepts the mission that is being given to him by the Spirearch of Albion.

The Aeronaut's Windlass

The mission is deadly dangerous but again the captain is left with no other option instead of accepting the proposal because he is nothing without his ship which is all he possesses in this world, his passion, power and might everything is linked with his ship.

As Grimn starts his journey he comes to know about things that were kept hidden from him, his mission is against the evil forces that have been buried for several thousand years forces that could sweep away the whole human race in no time if allowed to flourish in the world in its full potential.

Next books in the same line, the author has Brief Cases, Storm Front and Fool Moon are also worth listening to.


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