The Infinite Game

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There are many ways of winning a game and it does not matter that whether the game is an outdoor or indoor but then there are certain games that to fall in these categories. Games with no ending at all are the most difficult one because when it is not ending we cannot get a winner or loser in any case. The course is not defined and the players too always remain in the state of a fix. Simon Sinek tries to take our mind to a different level, a place where you are in constant competition like the business world.

The Infinite Game

You must have leadership skills too for it is up to you to keep the team committed as well. Infinite mindset is required and not everyone can handle such things because the mental torment really exhausts every one. It is a brilliant book to read for those who want to excel in the world of business and like to have competition in life.

A bit similar to Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last but Simon Sinek narrates it in a different way. Perhaps the author wanted this book to look different from the rest. There is more enthusiasm and the pitch is also quite high the course is not set because it is leading to infinity. Everyone starting a new business and entering the competitive world of today must have a go at this piece of art.

Written in high spirits and it is a motivator for most of us who want to emerge as a leader after forming a team of course. Surely an A rated book in all regards.


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Zero G


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