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Zero G

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If someone is writing for the kids than keeping the interest alive is the toughest thing. Kids don’t like complex things but then they get bored in the simple things, it is up to the author to keep them engaged. For this purpose there should be spice and different flavor all the time and on almost every page. More complex philosophies for a ten year old are not worth it, balance of such a kind can be observed in this first book of “The Zero Chronicles” to the maximum.

When the book opens we are told that the people of the earth have found more planets on which life is possible. The space adventures have finally bore fruit and twenty thousand people are send to each of these planets for their permanent settlement. The journey is not that easy because the planets are 105 years away.

Zero G

The journey is interrupted just after a span of twenty eight years when the ship is hijacked by the space pirates. The pirates not only stop the ship but they steal different parts of the ship as well. The ship thus does not remain in the working condition any more. The adventure and mystery becomes more intense as Emily Woo Zeller narrates this space adventure.

There are other narrators like Josh Hurley, Allyson Johnson and Betsy Hogg in the team but Zeller’s voice dominates all. Dragon Planet is a must read after this because only then the listeners can come to know about the whole space adventure. The series is in continuation and this is why it is attractive for the children who like progress in the tale.


The Infinite Game

Open Book


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