The Stone Sky

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The Stone Sky is another brilliant attempt by the author, N. K. Jemisin. It is part 3 of the renowned The Broken Earth novel series by the author. This novel and the series is based on epic science fiction genre. The narration of this 14 hour long audio book is done by Robin Miles, once again in his most compelling and engaging tone.

This book narrates a story about the way world would end and this ending would be once and forever.

The moon is set to return back soon in its orbit. Whether this would end up with the destruction of the world or humankind or something even worse than this, totally depends on the 2 ladies involved in this The Broken Earth series.

The Stone Sky

Essun has accumulated al the powers, which Alabaster Tenring has. With all these powers inherited, she is hopeful to find her daughter, Nassun using it. Then, she will lead with the forging of the world in order to make it safe for everyone and especially every orogene kid would grow up totally safe.

For Nassun, the mastery of Obelisk Gate of her mother came in just too late. She has gone through all and have seen the evil side of the world and has acknowledged whatever her mother, Essun would not have admitted. This is especially what is corrupt and cannot be rectified, but could only be destroyed.

The Stone Sky

The other books by N. K. Jemisin, which will surely mesmerize you with its character and storyline are Emergency Skin and The Fifth Season. Both these are science fiction books with amazing storyline and every minute of this audio book is worth your while.


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The Obelisk Gate

The Elephant in the Brain


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