The Unusual Suspects-SR 2

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Mixing up of the fairy tales continues in this second part by Michael Buckley and the Sisters Grimm are in a habit of watching the fairy tale creatures thus no problem of adjustment now. The job was new to them in The Fairy-Tale Detectives because they were thrown into it at once. They never knew who their ancestors were in the first part and what was their duty but now they are fully confident about everything.

Fairy world is like the real world where the fairy tale creatures live like real people i.e in a routine pattern. This means only one thing and that there is also a school for the fairies in this astonishing land. Daphne and Sabrina got to complete their study too along with the continuation of their job which is not easy by any means. Both of the sisters get into different sections and one gets a beautiful and gentle teacher in the form of Snow White for Sabrina the world inside the school and outside is no different.

The Unusual Suspects-SR 2

Sabrina just cannot have full faith on the creatures present, she doubts their each move and then she has to face teachers like Mr. Grumpner. Things are not helping Sabrina’s situation and then the incident with Mr. Grumpner send the Sisters Grimm on another mission. L. J. Ganser has used two different tones for the sisters because they are in different modes in this one. Their attitude towards the fairy tale creatures is different too thus the narrator did the right thing in this perspective.

Get ready for The Problem Child as soon as this book ends. Though no concrete hints for the next parts are given at the end or within the stories but the fans just cannot resist buying the next part in flash. The series is recommended for the kids but not bad for the adults who have gone through these fairy tales in their youth.



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The Fairy-Tale Detectives

The Problem Child


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