Titan’s Rise

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All of us saw the emergence of two heroes from two different sides in the last two parts. One of them was Malcolm fighting for his life in Titanborn, and the second one was Kale who was worried about is mother in Titan’s Son. Now Kale has even bigger responsibilities to deal with as he has emerged as a leader for Titan now.

First the lad was fighting for the freedom of the land which was simple thing but then came the politics. Dealing with the people of the land and rising tensions here and there between people prove more difficult for Kale than the war. At home also things happen to be terrible for the one who thinks that he has won freedom for the Titan world. Battle over Saturn forced Kale to try to establish peace in the universe because neither of the sides could tackle the war anymore.

Titan's Rise

Then there are also forces that want to keep the dead bodies coming so that their own motives are fulfilled. One of such dead bodies happens to be one of close friends of Malcolm Graves. Malcolm retired long ago after his deadly missions but this particular event forces him to restart what he used to do best in the past. Rhett C. Bruno combines the titan leader and ex-collector in this part.

Both come face to face for the first time and there was a doubt that perhaps R.C. Bray would feel difficulty in handling both at the same time but it was wrong perception. The narrator provides the different tone and style according to their age and position in the solar system.


Titan’s Son Children of Titan, Book 2

Titan’s Fury


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