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Split Infinity

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Talk about alternate worlds and alternate existence of living beings, this is the first book that will come into your mind if you have an idea about the author Piers Anthony. The author has painted love stories in the most unique way over the past many years and in those love stories, there were certain elements that took us out of the real world. Though the characters always resemble humans they are never completely human.

There are no elves or dragons in the old stories of the kind Wielding a Red Sword and For Love of Evil but here magic and technology come face to face. The main character exists on Proton at the beginning of the story and then the listeners are told that his life is in danger. There are forces that want to get rid of him. So he sends his alternate self to another world called Phaze.

Split Infinity

This new world is completely different from Proton because here technology does not play any role rather the world is governed by magic. The hero never knew anything about magic but when he realizes that his alternate self has been eradicated, he thinks that he needs to learn magic for survival. If he does not learn magic in time then his existence will come to an end and his enemies will win the game eventually.

A terrible kind of competition is going on in this series and the loser is going to lose his life as well. Traber Burns’ voice will come to your ears as long as the story is continuing to get associated with the tale and you will start loving it too.


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