A Slip of the Keyboard

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Collection of non-fictional work by Terry Pratchett is very rare to find, the man became famous because of his Discworld series and it is hard to believe that he has written this too. The whole Discworld series was fantastic fictional work and it still rules the hearts of millions. Here Michael Fenton Stevens gets something quite opposite to Discworld to narrate. Terry talks about his thoughts and views about his writing and tells the audience how he feels about certain ideas. He has been a strong supporter of animal rights too but not many of the fans know about this side of the author’s personality. The book is written to tell the people who Terry is from the inside.

A Slip of the Keyboard

Granny Pratchett gets some time in the book as the author talks about her on many occasions and her influence on his personality and work. Not only seriousness but the fans also find fun and humor in the life of their favorite author who has written books such as Going Postal and The Wee Free Men. Everything comes in abundance including the private experiences of Terry that changed him and made him the man we know him to be. The book can easily be separated from the rest of the author’s works because this is not the way the author usually writes.

The book was written for personal catharsis and conveying to the people that they wanted to know about the legendary author of the Discworld.   Proper themes or not followed and things are written as an outburst of thoughts. The author kept on writing his thoughts on the pages in the sequence they kept on coming into his mind.


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